Resident Tracks
Over the past year we have worked to develop several different tracks that residents can choose to pursue if they have interest in. Residents are not limited to a single track. Additionally, there is a full curriculum that describes that requirements necessary to complete each track. Below are listed some short summaries that describe each track:
Lifestyle Medicine Track (Advisor - Dr. Dance)
Complete full curriculum for lifestyle medicine with portions embedded in regular residency didactics
Become competent in counseling on the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep, Healthy Relationships, Stress Management, and Avoidance of Risky Substances
Apply lifestyle medicine principles through specified application activities, patient encounters, group visits, and module completion
Residents who complete the track will be eligible to sit for the Lifestyle Medicine Boards after residency graduation
Addiction Medicine Track (Advisor - Dr. Dance)
Learn treatment modalities to treat stimulant addiction, opioid addiction, alcohol addiction, tobacco addiction
Complete addiction specific elective rotation(s) which may include mobile addiction clinic in Moab or rotations with clinical partners such as Naloxone Utah or Odyssey House
Opportunities to apply addiction medicine may include inpatient medicine, maternal/neonatal addiction clinic, teen BRIDGE program, and outpatient clinic
Residents who complete the track will be competent in personal practice in addiction medicine or excellent candidates to continue education with an Addiction Medicine Fellowship
Teaching Track (Advisor - Dr. Dance)
Develop skills in inpatient teaching, clinic-based teaching, procedural teaching, lecture-based teaching, physical exam and communication skills teaching, and on providing effective feedback
Track participants would be given additional teaching opportunities in interactions with 3rd and 4th year medical students, residents in the family medicine program, and residents in affiliated residency programs
Residents will graduate from HCA's Physician Educator program and are encouraged to participate in Resident as Teacher and other programs sponsored by the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
Residents who complete the track will graduate with improved teaching skills and would be prepared to be excellent community teachers or academic faculty candidates at graduation
Global Health Track (Advisor - Dr. Kirby)
Develop the ability to confidently treat newcomers from around the world
Provide initial screening and ongoing continuity care for refugees from within our diverse clinic population
Learn from state experts in refugee healthcare within our own faculty and beyond
Augment your continuity learning with an international elective
Focus scholarly activity, CME learning, and your population health rotation on global health
Mother-Baby Track (Advisor - Dr. Boulos)
Gain the skills to be a low risk obstetrics provider or apply to OB fellowship
Provide in-depth care to families throughout pregnancy and afterwards
Develop relationships with the family medicine-obstetrics community of Salt Lake City
Augment your learning with focused scholarly activities, CME learning, and electives